This is our Informational video section. We regularly update this section wth a lot of basic health information and other educational vidoes.

Proper Hand Washing Techniques

Simple Breathing Exercises to keep upper respiratory system clear.

Our Clnics Readiness on COIVD 19
COVID-19 Update. March 10th 2020
I know your inbox, smartphone, and television is full of Corona Virus (COVID-19) related news, and I appreciate your patience as you listen to one more message.
As the Co-Founder of Professional Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Rehab and successfully running outpatient rehab facilities in the Metro Detroit area for over 25 years, I appreciate the trust the community has put in us.
This is an unprecedented time for all of us, and one that may define us in the days, weeks, and years to come. As a small business owner and a father, I feel the panic and anxiety as it bursts through the bandwidth. I know what there is to fear and to lose. Never has it been more clear that there are so many external things we can’t control.
But if I’ve learned one thing as a medical professional for more than 25 years, it’s this: Just because something is out of our control does not mean everything is. We have things we can do. We have people we can count on and a mindset we can trust and a community that isn’t going away, even if we stay inside our homes for a while.
And this is why I’m writing to you today. To tell you that all is not lost and to tell you how we are going to be fine in the days and weeks to come.
In the clinics, we’ve already taken massive steps to ensure the safety of our members.
Our clinics are already taking measures to keep common areas disinfected in between patients, in addition to our twice a day cleaning routine using hospital-grade disinfectant, and will continue to keep heightened attention on this.
In next few weeks we are installing air purification equipment in the clinics to help reduce the impact of germs. These air purifiers use naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide ions to zap bacteria and viruses around the clock in every square inch of the clinics.
We will be disinfecting the mats multiple times a day and always between the patients.
Social Distance
We will try our best to maintain a healthy 3-6 feet distance between the patients and we are working on a new schedule for the patients so our waiting rooms and the gym area. We will appreciate your cooperation on this matter and request you to strictly follow your appointment time schedule. This will ensure that you and everyone else visiting the clinics will stay safe.
Community transportation serives for the patients have been suspeded since Mid Feb 2020 for an undetermined time for now.
Lastly, If you are sick, feeling sick or have a family member who may be sick or having flu like symptoms like fever, cough, runny nose, headache, body ache, shortness of breath etc, please stay home and contact your PCP or a health care facility promptly. We have very strictly instructed our staff on this too.
As mentioned in our statement on COVID 19 on our website's Home Page, we are committed to provide our, patients and their families a clean, safe and very sanitary environment at our out-patient clinics. We are also committed to provide you with many online resources, exercise routines, holistic approaches to life and also individualized and personally tailored exercise, which can be done at your own home under our professional guidance.
We will be positing few COVID-19 public service messages and videos on our Co Founder Dr. Smita Ahluwalia's social media pages and we encourage all of you to like and follow us on social media to stay updated on the latest announcement and news.
Thank You,
Dr. Vik Ahluwalia, DPT, PT